Lately, I’ve had some discussions with colleagues about project dependencies. Long version short: they were not aware about the reasoning, and therefore violated the original intend. Some of them countered with: but, where is the documentation?
A fair point.
For our project, we now have a reply: it is in the specs! And if you violate them, assertions will fail. And more over, you can read why those changes were not a good idea.
Thanks to Fluent Assertions, it is easy to write these specs. Feel inspired!
internal static readonly Assembly API = typeof(MyProject.Api.ApiAction).Assembly;
internal static readonly Assembly Domain = typeof(MyProject.Domain.Aanvrager).Assembly;
internal static readonly Assembly Application = typeof(MyProject.Application.ApplicationDefaults).Assembly;
internal static readonly Assembly Infrastructure = typeof(MyProject.Infrastructure.MongoDbConfig).Assembly;
internal static readonly Assembly Shared = typeof(Abn.Shared.DateExtensions).Assembly;
internal static readonly Assembly MongoDbEventStorage = typeof(MongoDbEventStorage.CollectionNames).Assembly;
public void API_references_Domain_Application_and_Ifrastructure()
=> API.Should()
.Reference(Domain, because: "it exposes the Domain via controller methods").And
.Reference(Application, because: "it exposes the Application via controller methods").And
.Reference(Infrastructure, because: "it requires the infrastructure for its implementations of Domain and Application interfaces");
public void Domain_does_not_reference_API_Application_and_Ifrastructure()
=> Domain.Should()
.NotReference(Application, because: "they should be unaware of each other.").And
.NotReference(API, because: "it should be the other way around").And
.NotReference(Infrastructure, because: "it should be the other way around").And
.NotReference(MongoDbEventStorage, because: "it should not have database knowledge");
public void Application_does_not_reference_API_Domain_and_Ifrastructure()
=> Application.Should()
.NotReference(Domain, because: "they should be unaware of each other.").And
.NotReference(API, because: "it should be the other way around").And
.NotReference(Infrastructure, because: "it should be the other way around").And
.NotReference(MongoDbEventStorage, because: "it should not have database knowledge");
public void Infrastructure_reference_Domain_and_Application()
=> Infrastructure.Should()
.Reference(Domain, because: "it implements Domain contracts").And
.Reference(Application, because: "it implements Application contracts");